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Kings 6.0+_Reading_Test 2 Passage 2

2020-12-23 14:37

Instructor : Alexander Lovell (not on the given list)

Lecture : Kings 6.0+_Reading_Test 2 Passage 2,  12:00


Regarding the 2nd paragraph of the passage

"Of course, we now know that innovations in agriculture during this period – including the wholesale mechanisation of farming, the increased use of pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics, and breeding high-yielding livestock – and the Green Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s produced the crops and farming methods which, at enormous environmental cost, still feed seven billion of us"


the answer of question number 17, which is a sentence completion task, is H

"New technology and its application to agriculture (H) led to wildly higher yields in many areas of food production."

since "wildly higher yields" is the paraphrase of "feed seven billion of us".


My question is, why B cannot be the answer.

"New technology and its application to agriculture (B) meant that the difficulties of feeding the world were generally overcome."

since I think,"the difficulties of feeding the world were generally overcome" is also the paraphrase of "feed seven billion of us".


Thank you.


전체 1

  • 2020-12-28 12:15
    안녕하세요 edm인강입니다.
    17. New technology and its application to agriculture
    H) led to wildly higher yields in many areas of food production.
    B) meant that the difficulties of feeding the world were generally overcome
    지문) "Of course, we now know that innovations in agriculture during this period – including the wholesale mechanisation of farming, the increased use of pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics, and breeding high-yielding livestock – and the Green Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s produced the crops and farming methods which, at enormous environmental cost, still feed seven billion of us"

    지문)the Green Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s produced the crops and farming methods which, at enormous environmental cost, still feed seven billion of us"
    “커다란 환경적 비용이 드는 60~70년대 녹색혁명(식량혁명)의 방식이 아직까지도 전 인류의 대부분의 식량을 생산하는 역할을 하고 있다.”
    B) New technology and its application to agriculture meant that the difficulties of feeding the world were generally overcome.
    “새로운 농법은(이를 통해) 전세계 식량부족문제의 대부분이 해결되었다는 것을 의미한다.”

    B에서는 새 농법으로 식량부족문제가 대부분 해결되었다는 내용이 요지입니다. 하지만 지문에서는 식량부족문제가 해결되었다는 내용의 언급은 되어있지 않습니다. 이 점으로 인해 B는 정답이 될 수 없습니다.
    Paraphrasing으로 보신 feed seven billion of us 와 the difficulties of feeding the world were generally overcome.의 경우,
    feed seven billion of us - 전 세계 인구의 식량 생산의 대부분을 책임지고 있다.
    the difficulties of feeding the world were generally overcome. - 전 세계 인구의 식량부족문제를 대부분 해결했다.
    의 의미로 서로 다른 포인트를 가지고 있어서 성립되지 않습니다.

    H의 경우,
    H) New technology and its application to agriculture led to wildly higher yields in many areas of food production.
    새로운 농법이 식량 생산성을 더 확대시켰다.
    란 의미로,
    지문) … including the wholesale mechanisation of farming, the increased use of pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics, and breeding high-yielding livestock
    와 의미가 같음을 알 수 있습니다.

    지문의 베이비붐세대의 인구증가 관련 내용으로 새로운 농법이 식량문제를 해결한 것으로 이해될 수 있으나, 본문에서 녹색혁명으로 인구증가에 따른 생산성을 올렸을 뿐 여전히 환경적 비용 등에 있어 해결해야할 문제가 남아있다고 이야기와 함께 클로렐라에 관한 내용이 연결되므로, 정답은 H가 됩니다.