2017년 상반기 Speaking part 2,3 기출문제

2017-06-19 18:32
Part2 & Part3 Questions

Part 2에서는 주제와 관련된 표현의 사용, Part3에서는 논리적인 구조가 상대적으로 중시됩니다. Part2 에서는 주어진 문제에서 벗어나지 않도록 유의하시고, Part 3에서는 의견과 근거의 구조뜸 들이지 않고 이야기하는 연습을 해 보세요.

A new shop
Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown
You should say:
Where the shop is
When it opened
What it sells
and how you feel about the shop

Do you like big shops or small shops?
Why do you some people like to visit small shops?
Should governments develop big shops or small shops?
Should shops be located in city centres or in the suburbs?
What can shops do to attract customers?

Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood
You should say
When you had this experience
who were with you
what you did
and how you felt about it

What should adults remember?
How can we improve our memories?
What can help us to remember our childhood memories?
Why do you think some people can remember things easily?
What kind of smell reminds childhood?

A polite person
Describe a polite person you know
You should say
who this person is
what your relationship with this person is
What he likes to do
and why you think this person is the politest
* Are you a polite person?

Is it important to be polite in Korea?
How do people in your country show politeness?
Why people in different countries show different behaviours?
What kind of culture in your country is different from other countries?
