2017년 하반기 Speaking part 1 기출문제

2017-11-29 15:48

Part 1 Questions

Part 1 은 대답하기 쉬운 familiar question 을 받게 되는데요.
단답만 해서는 좋은 점수를 받기 어렵습니다. 꼭 이유를 덧붙이는 연습을 해보세요 🙂

How much time do you spend at home?
Do you prefer to stay at home?
What do you usually do at home?
How much time do you spend with your family?

Which birthday is the most meaningful in your country?    
What do you usually do on your birthday?
Is your birthday meaningful for you?
What did you usually do on your birthday when you were young?

Do you work or study?
Do you need any training for your work?
What kind of training is necessary for your future career?
Will there be much demand for your profession in the future?

Have you ever travelled by boat?
Do you like boats?
Would you like to have your own boat?
Is boat trip popular in your country?

Daily routine
What part of your day do you like best?
What's your daily routine?
What is the busiest part of the day?
What is the difference between the routine nowadays and when you were young?

Do you read a magazine? Why?
Is reading magazine popular among young people or old people? Why?