2018년 상반기 Speaking part 1 기출문제

2018-02-12 18:24
Part 1 Questions

Part 1 은 대답하기 쉬운 familiar question 을 받게 되는데요.
단답만 해서는 좋은 점수를 받기 어렵습니다. 꼭 이유를 덧붙이는 연습을 해보세요 🙂

Tell me about the outdoor event you participated.
How about a local festival? Tell me about the local festival you participated.

Do you work or study?
Where do you prefer to work? Indoor or outdoor?
What kind of training was required for your job?

Do you like your name?
Does your name have any special meaning?
Why your parents gave the name to you?

News / Newspaper
Do you often read newspapers?
What kind of articles do you read nowadays?
Do people in your country read news online? Why?

Do you still keep in touch with your friends in primary school often?
Do you see them often?
What are you doing when you meet them?
Do you still share some study or work?

Do you think rain makes people act differently?
What kind of weather do you like? Why?
What are you usually doing in rainy days?
If there is raining when you go outside and you do not have an umbrella or a rain coat, what would you do?

Do you spend time with teenagers?
Are there many teenagers around you?
Are you interested in teenagers' fashion style?
What did you like most when you were a teenager?

즐거운 설명절 되세요:-)