실전모의고사 wring task1(2)

2021-03-26 16:25
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실전모의고사 writing task 1(2) bar chart (2007년 2014년 UK인기 과목에 관한)에서


The bar charts illustrate the six most popular courses at universities in the UK according to the number of addmissions
over two years, 2007 and 2014.

Overall, the admissions in all courses increased and Nursing course had the most dramatic change in the figure.

Initially, Law course was the most popular choice among all course as about 90,000 students enrolled and the figure
was closely followed by that of Psycology course that had 10,000 fewer enrollments in 2007.
Notably, those courses ended up having the same number of students at 100,000.
Also, the least popular choice was computer scinece that had only about 50,000 admissions in 2007.

After seven years, the situation changed quite significantly. The biggest change was in Nursing program with its
Addmissions being almost fourfold at 240,000 over time and it became the most popular one. The next biggest growth
in the number of enrolments was seen in Design course that had a big jump from 70,000 to nearly 100,000,
(=big jump by 30,000 from 70,000) however, it was Computer Science that showed a higher rise in he ratio going up
to an increas of 50% over the 7 years although still the least popular. Lastly, the admissions of Pre-clinical Medicine rose
by 10,000 from 70,000.


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